The best Initial Coin Offering (ICO), Initial DEX Offering (IDO) Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) list to discover emerging cryptocurrencies.
No data available.Initial Coin Offering (ICO): Initial coin offerings are the crypto world’s version of the Initial Public Offering, where a stock market investment opportunity goes public for the very first time. Initial Coin Offerings aren’t subject to the same regulatory processes that IPOs are, except when the company offering those coins behaves like an IPO instead.
Initial Coin Offerings can take a variety of different approaches including situations where loyal investors are given early access to a new token or coin, and those that are made available to all investors all at once. An ICO may be associated with a type of functionality or purpose that makes Initial Coin Offerings even more unique than their traditional investment world counterparts.
Initial DEX Offering (IDO): When a project launches an IDO, the project is in the process of launching a token or coin via a decentralized liquidity exchange.
Initial Exchange Offering (IEO): An initial exchange offering (IEO) raises capital for start-up companies through crypto exchanges that help to oversee the token sale and project vetting process.